Science Communication
As a researcher funded by public money, I feel a responsibility to communicate my findings clearly and effectively to the public, who have a right to understand how their support contributes to scientific progress. By sharing my work openly, I aim to foster trust, engagement, and a deeper appreciation for the role of science in addressing societal challenges.
The podcast Unraveling Behavior is a non-commercial initiative by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. I was fortunate to be their first guest and enjoyed discussing a systematic review and sharing further thoughts on social media research with the host, Sofia Morais.
Press Writing
Press Features
Public Talks German
Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion im Abgeordentenhaus zu Berlin zum Thema Lebhafte Debatten und wechselvolle Geschichte: Die Zukunft der parlamentarischen Demokratie
German writing
Wie gefährlich sind digitale Medien für die Demokratie?